배움 저장소

[Data Structures] 챕터9. 이진탐색트리 본문

CS/Data Structure

[Data Structures] 챕터9. 이진탐색트리

시옷지읏 2023. 12. 21. 12:00



균형잡힌 트리: O(Log N)

Worst : O(N)

이진 탐색 트리의 한계

  • 완전 이진 트리가 아니므로 비효율적으로 작동할 수 있다
    • 역순으로 정렬된 배열 값을 모두 넣을 경우 
  • 양 서브트리의 깊이가 비슷할 때 효율적이다





Item* IterGet(const K& key)
    Node* cur = root_;

    while (cur)
        if (cur->left && key < cur->item.key)
            cur = cur->left;
        else if (cur->right && cur->item.key < key)
            cur = cur->right;
        else // handle two case (cur->item == key) & (empty child, No matching)
            return &cur->item;

    return nullptr;  // no matching



상위 스택에서 node의 왼쪽 혹은 오른쪽 값을 할당한다.

Node* Insert(Node* node, const Item& item)
    if (!node)
        return new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };

    if (item.key < node->item.key)
        node->left = Insert(node->left, item);
    else if (node->item.key < item.key)
        node->right = Insert(node->right, item);
    else // node->item.key == item.key
        node->item = item;

    return node;




void IterInsert(const Item& item)
    if (!root_) root_ = new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };
    Node* cur = root_;

    while (cur)
        if (cur->item.key < item.key)
                cur->right = new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };

            cur = cur->right;
        else if (item.key < cur->item.key)
            if (!cur->left)
                cur->left = new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };

            cur = cur->left;
            cur->item = item;



포인터 2개를 사용하면 편하게 부모 값을 저장할 수 있다(포인터 하나 만 쓰려면 반복문 조건으로 손자 노드를 확인해야함)

void IterInsert(const Item& item)
    if (!root_) root_ = new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };

    Node* cur = root_;
    Node* pre = nullptr;

    while (cur)
        pre = cur;
        if (cur->item.key < item.key)
            cur = cur->right;
        else if (item.key < cur->item.key)
            cur = cur->left;
            cur->item = item;

    cur = new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };
    if(item.key < pre->item.key)
        pre->left = cur;
    else if(pre->item.key < item.key)
        pre->right = cur;
    else // it already handled when pre is cur. 
        assert(false); // pre is cur->right or cur->left




Node* Remove(Node* node, const K& key)
    if (!node) return node;

    if (key < node->item.key)
        node->left = Remove(node->left, key);
    else if (key > node->item.key)
        node->right = Remove(node->right, key);
        // case 1. remove node which have two children
         if (node->left && node->right)
            // If right node has a child, take it.
            Node* subCurrent = node->right; // subtree's root
            if (subCurrent->left)
                while (subCurrent->left)
                    if (!subCurrent->left->left)

                    subCurrent = subCurrent->left;

                Node* child = subCurrent->left;
                subCurrent->left = nullptr;
                child->left = node->left;
                child->right = node->right;
                delete node;

                return child;
            else // No left, so return current because it is in-order.
                subCurrent->left = node->left;
                delete node;
                return subCurrent;

        // case 2. remove node which had a child (connecting pre and post)
        // case 3. remove node which had no child
             // case 3 just assign nullptr to temp
            Node* temp = node->left ? node->left : node->right;
            delete node;
            return temp;

    return node;



Node* Remove(Node* node, const K& key)
    if (!node) return node;

    if (key < node->item.key)
        node->left = Remove(node->left, key);
    else if (key > node->item.key)
        node->right = Remove(node->right, key);
    {	// when left is nullptr or right is nullptr or both are nullptr
        if (!node->left || !node->right)
            Node* temp = node->left ? node->left : node->right;
            delete node;
            return temp;
            Node* temp = MinKeyLeft(node->right);
            node->item = temp->item; // copy value on target node

            // Remove a duplicates on subtree.
            node->right = Remove(node->right, temp->item.key);
            // "assign value on node->right" handle edge case for
            // removed one is just node->right. it return nullptr

    return node;


균형잡힌 탐색트리(AVL Tree / Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree)

Balance의 크기 : 왼쪽 자식이 Root인 SubTree의 레벨과 오른쪽  자식이 Root인 SubTree의 레벨 차이

해당 노드 자식간 Balance의 절대값이 2이상일 때 재배열한다.



  • AVL 트리는 균형이 맞춰져 있어 삽입, 삭제, 탐색의 평균/최악 시간 복잡도는 O(logN)
  • 높이는 매번 새로 계산하거나, 최적화를 위해 Node에 저장해서 값이 바뀔때만 업데이트 한다.



가시화 도구

  1. https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/AVLtree.html
  2. https://zuramai.github.io/binary-search-tree/



  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-to-avl-tree/
  2. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/avl_tree_algorithm.htm


이 때 Left Rotation(왼쪽 위로 끌어올림)에서 B가 왼쪽 자식을 가질 수 있다

이 때 Left Rotation 이전에도 A는 오른쪽 자식을 가지므로 연결관계를 변경해주어 처리하자

Right Rotation(오른쪽 위로 끌어올림)도 위와 같이 처리할 수 있다.



  • 왼쪽 자식의 높이가 높으면 양수, 오른쪽 사직의 높이가 높으면 음수이다
  • 자식 Subtree의 높이를 측정한다
int Balance(Node* node)
    if (node)
        return Base::Height(node->left) - Base::Height(node->right);
        return 0;




Node* Insert(Node* node, const Item& item)
    if (!node)
        return new Node{ item, nullptr, nullptr };

    const auto& key = item.key;

    if (key < node->item.key)
        node->left = Insert(node->left, item);
    else if (key > node->item.key)
        node->right = Insert(node->right, item);
        node->item = item;
        return node;

    // It works recursivly, So below executed after inserting node on child

    // It subtract btw child's height
    int balance = Balance(node);

    // Ref : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-to-avl-tree/
    // balance가 0, 1, -1 이면 조절할 필요가 없다고 판단
    // LL -> Right Rotation
    if (balance > 1 && Balance(node->left) >= 0) // node->left->left must exist
        node = RotateRight(node);                // because blance > 1
    // Even if Balance(node->left) == 0 do this because left-left

    // RR -> Left Rotation
    else if (balance < -1 && Balance(node->right) <= 0) // node->right->right must exist
        node = RotateLeft(node);				   // because blance > 1

    // LR -> Left-Right Rotation
    else if (balance > 1 && Balance(node->left) < 0)
        node->left = RotateLeft(node->left);
        node = RotateRight(node);

    // RL -> Right-Left Rotation
    else if (balance < -1 && Balance(node->right) > 0)
        node->right = RotateRight(node->right);
        node = RotateLeft(node);

    return node;



위 Insert 로직을 그대로 가져왔다

Node* Remove(Node* node, const K& key)
    // BST와 동일
    if (!node) return node;

    if (key < node->item.key)
        node->left = Remove(node->left, key);
    else if (key > node->item.key)
        node->right = Remove(node->right, key);
        if (!node->left)
            Node* temp = node->right;
            delete node;
            return temp;
        else if (!node->right)
            Node* temp = node->left;
            delete node;
            return temp;

        Node* temp = MinKeyNode(node->right);
        node->item = temp->item;
        node->right = Remove(node->right, temp->item.key);

    if (node == NULL)
        return node;

    // 균형 잡기
    int balance = Balance(node);
    if (balance > 1 && Balance(node->left) >= 0)
        node = RotateRight(node);
    else if (balance < -1 && Balance(node->right) <= 0)
        node = RotateLeft(node);
    else if (balance > 1 && Balance(node->left) < 0)
        node->left = RotateLeft(node->left);
        node = RotateRight(node);
    else if (balance < -1 && Balance(node->right) > 0)
        node->right = RotateRight(node->right);
        node = RotateLeft(node);
    return node;


영어사전 만들기



#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> // swap
#include <cassert>
#include <ostream>

class MyString
    bool Validate()
        for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++)
            if ('a' <= str_[i] && str_[i] <= 'z'){}
            else return false;
        return true;

    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream & os, const MyString &Str)
        for (int i = 0; i < Str.size_; i++)
            std::cout << Str.str_[i];

        return os;

    friend bool operator > (const MyString& a, const MyString& b)
        for (int i = 0; i < std::min(a.Length(), b.Length()); ++i)
            if (a.str_[i] != b.str_[i])
                return a.str_[i] > b.str_[i];

        return a.Length() > b.Length();

    friend bool operator < (const MyString& a, const MyString& b)
        for (int i = 0; i < std::min(a.Length(), b.Length()); ++i)
            if (a.str_[i] != b.str_[i])
                return a.str_[i] < b.str_[i];

        return a.Length() < b.Length();

    friend bool operator <= (const MyString& a, const MyString& b)
        for (int i = 0; i < std::min(a.Length(), b.Length()); ++i)
            if (a.str_[i] != b.str_[i])
                return a.str_[i] <= b.str_[i];

        return a.Length() <= b.Length();

    friend bool operator >= (const MyString& a, const MyString& b)
        for (int i = 0; i < std::min(a.Length(), b.Length()); ++i)
            if (a.str_[i] != b.str_[i])
                return a.str_[i] >= b.str_[i];

        return a.Length() >= b.Length();

    friend bool operator == (const MyString& a, const MyString& b)
        if (a.Length() != b.Length())
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length(); ++i)
            if (a.str_[i] != b.str_[i])
                return false;

        return true;
    char* str_ = nullptr; // 마지막에 '\0' 없음
    int size_ = 0; // 글자 수



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "MyString.h"
#include "../shared/AVL.h"

using namespace std;

using Item = AVL<MyString, MyString>::Item;

void TestComparison()
    MyString A = MyString("apple");
    MyString B = MyString("board");
    MyString C = MyString("cancel");

    cout << boolalpha;
    cout << (A > B)  << endl;
    cout << (A < B)  << endl;
    cout << (A >= B) << endl;
    cout << (A <= B) << endl;
    cout << (A == B) << endl;

void ReadFileAndRichingDictionary(AVL<MyString, MyString> &bst)
    /* Read Files*/
    string temp;

    ifstream myfile("eng_dic.txt");
    if (myfile.is_open())
        while (getline(myfile, temp))
            MyString word{ temp.c_str() };
            getline(myfile, temp);

            MyString meaning{ temp.c_str() };

            if (word.Validate())
                bst.IterInsert(*(new Item{ word, meaning }));
    else cout << "Unable to open file";

int main() {
    AVL<MyString, MyString> bst;

    // Test
        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"aaa"}, MyString{" 1"} });
        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"decr"}, MyString{" D"} });

        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"cold"}, MyString{" C"} });

        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"appl"}, MyString{" A"} });
        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"aca"}, MyString{" 3"} });
        //bst.Insert(Item{ MyString{"aba"}, MyString{" 2"} });

    // Remove Bugs
    //    Item *item1 = new Item{ MyString{"abandonment"}, MyString{" 4"} };
    //    bst.Insert(*item1);
    //    Item* item2 = new Item{ MyString{"abandonment"}, MyString{" D"} };
    //    bst.Insert(*item2);

    cout << "Dictionary Created!" << endl;

    string temp;
    while (std::cin >> temp)
        auto* Found = bst.IterGet(MyString{ temp.c_str()});
        if (Found)
            cout << "key: " << Found->key << endl;
            cout << "\tval: " << Found->value << endl;
            cout << "No result" << endl;

    return 0;

